Thursday, February 28, 2013


On the second of March, Mutia ti La Union 2013 will be staged and three titles will be at stake: Mutia ti La Union 2013, Mutia ti Turismo 2013 and Mutia ti Kalikasan 2013. Of course there will be a first runner-up and a second runner up. The official headshots were out and the annual town costume and electric parade had been staged last February 27. 

Here are Queentessence’ Top 10 choices for this 2013.

Alternate choices for the Top 10
My Top 5: Agoo, Bacnotan, Balaoan, San Fernando City and San Gabriel

My dark horses: Rosario San Juan and  Santol

Photo Courtesy: La Union Information and Tourism Office

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


I took up Medical Technology because this course will help me vividly see diseases which are invisible but invulnerable.  I know some people would rather regard it as somewhat difficult or irrelevant in the modern world today but it is a very good course to pursue a medical career. I’d rather help heal people than spread rumors about them.”

CHRISTINE JOY FABROS PICARDAL, of Rosario, La Union has once participated in this annual pageant last 2011 representing the town of Agoo. She made it as one of the semi-finalist that year. She however, accepts the fact that this edition of the pageant is more competitive because she is faced with much more formidable candidates. When asked how her experience in the previous pageant will affect her, she said that it will help her a lot knowing how what she lacked and what should be her performance now. She said she accepts criticisms and let other people criticize or complement her for who she is and who she will be. She looks at the competition as a challenge to improve and not to back down and accept defeat even without trying to.

She loves to describe herself as “ATE” in an acronym. “Ate” in the Filipino language refers to an older sister who is able to take care of the younger siblings or even the older people who extremely need assistance and care.  She is ALTRUISTIC, a selfless individual to people who are in need. She is TRUTHFUL, a true daughter to her family and she is EFFORTFUL as student, a daughter, a Rosarinian and a loving sister to everyone.

Christine looks up to her father as her role model. She says that her father came from a poor family but he taught her how to feel the abundance of life despite their poverty. His father is very material in building up their fervor in reaching up for their dreams and she says, she is not what she is now without the strict but kind upbringing that her father did.

Everyone has a quest and Christine’s pageant quest is Mutia ti La Union 2013. She cannot say that she had acquired an edge about the other candidates for being one participant before. She cannot say that she is going to win the crown but she can say to everyone that she is better now than before.
We wish Christine the best of everything in her pursuit of the Mutia ti La Union 2013 title. Cheers!!!

Friday, February 8, 2013


What's in a Name?
by Rolando Q. Mallari, MD

The Mutia ti La Union 2013 has been officially launched. We had presented the candidates for everyone to gauge who will probably be the winning girl on the 2nd of March 2013. But when we are reading the names and their biography that we have searched, something came along and here is what we got.

There are 4 candidates with JOY in their names. Mabel Joy Verceles of Bauang, Blessie Joy Abellada of Burgos, Christine Joy Picardal of Rosario and Joy Marie T. Perez of Tubao. Joy means happiness and it is common name being given to females. Although it can also be given to males. It is of Old French and Latin origin. It is used in the Middle Ages and is made popular during the 17th century. It is apparently becoming more popular now as it is seen 20% among the names of the candidates of the pageant.

There are 3  candidates with MARIE in their names; Sheila Marie Ramos of Caba, LA Union, Ella Marie Calpito of Pugo and Joy Marie Perez of Tubao. Marie is the Czech, French and German form of Mary. It is also a variant of Maria for Danish, English, Icelandic and Swedish. It is a name derived from Mary and Maria. Maria, Mary or Marie is still the most popular name even in today’s present world. Marie is ranked as number 4 in the most popular name in Belgium, ranked number 9 in Austria and ranked number 23 in Norway. It is however less popular in the United States as it ranked number 598.

There are 2  candidates with MAE in their names; Kimberle Mae Penchon of Agoo and Rolyne Mae Pajarillo of Bacnotan. The name Mae is a derived from the 5th month of the year May. The meaning of the term in Hebrew is bitter. In the Polynesian language it is called “welcome!” It is of English and French in etymology. It also means “pearl” in ancient Greek but generally it is short for the name Mary. Mae in Japanese means bright.

There are 2 candidates with KAYE in their names, Justine Kaye Picardal of Aringay, La Union and Olivia Kaye Bang-oa of San Gabriel, La Union. Kaye means pure in Greek. It also means happy. In the US Census, it ranks number 4057 out of 88978 listed names.  

There are 2 with the name ANN as derivative name; Analyn J. Jose of Bagulin and Beverly Ann Moster of Balaoan. Ann, in the same way as Anne, is Hebrew derived. It means, God favored me. The English form is Hannah, while the Russian form is Anya and the European form is Anne. It has 96 other variant forms.

There are 2 candidates with last names of PICARDAL; Justine Kaye Picardal of Aringay and Christine Joy Picardal. Picardal is said to be Hebrew in origin and it means “from the ash tree.”


Bagulin, Naguilian, Pugo, Sto. Tomas and Tubao
By Jetset Alejandro

I have the faintest data on some of the following candidates as they have not responded to my emails or have answered the interview questions we have submitted for them to answer. But for the sake of completeness, we would like to give you this preview of who they are.

BAGULIN’s representative is ANALYN JOSE. Based on her picture, she is a pretty young lady probably of around 19 years of summer. Analyn possesses a pair of smiling and sparkling eyes that brighten her face. Will Analyn make it to the winning circle of this year’s edition of Mutia ti La Union?

NAGUILIAN’s REXHELLE PENALOSA is another sweet looking girl of around 16 years of age. Based on the slightest data I got from her Facebook, she had participated in some school pageants and she had corresponding awards. Naguilian did not have a pageant in 2012 and thus has appointed Rexhelle to represent the town. Naguilian has had very competitive candidates in the annual pageant and thus I would not be surprised if Rexhelle will figure well in this years’ edition.

PUGO is represented by a beauteous nursing graduate from the University of the Cordilleras ELLA MARIE CALPITO. Based on our research, Ella has furtherance of her nursing capabilities on fields like Autopsy DNA Analysis and Nursing Anesthesia. Will this nurse carry the torch for her town this 2nd of March? We wish her the best of luck.

The representative of the municipality of STO. TOMAS this year is ERICA FIRME. Sto. Tomas has been crowned the Mutia last 2011. Then in last years’ pageant, their representative failed to make it to the winning column but later on crowned as Pangasinan’s prettiest owing to the fact that she studies there. On the other hand, Erica exudes a very charming personality. Also a nurse by profession, will Erica carry the torch of her municipality’s quest for the crown this year?

TUBAO sent their lovely maiden, JOY MARIE T. PEREZ. Joy possesses a beautiful smile that highlights her simple and somewhat meek nature. Will this tyro prevail in the sea of veteran girls? 

Saturday, February 2, 2013


I love myself for being so simple because I live within my means. I don't even care about what others think of me. I don't live according to the expectations of others and does not worry about ulterior or further motives. I am not afraid to be myself, because I trust everything to God.”

Michell R. De Guzman is Luna’s precious jewel and will represent the town in the Mutia ti La Union 2013. I underscored the name jewel because it is the title of the pageant. Jewel means a precious stone. Whatever that stone is, Luna is famous for its small stones that is sought for local and even international use. Hence, their most beautiful maiden is also referred as their jewel – their most precious daughter.

Michell is a Nursing Graduate of the Polytechnic University of La Union. She hopes to pass the Nursing Licensure Examinations as scheduled this year. She enthusiastically said that she took up nursing because the job offers better remuneration abroad and that her goal is to be able to go abroad so that her  family will have a better economic foundation as well as she would have a firmer financial security for the future.

Michele according to her is a simple person and thus she coined an acronym to describe herself: SIMPLE - Sincere, Indulgent, Modest, Peaceful and polite, Loyal and Loving, and Enthusiastic. Since she is a simple person, her family, friends and love ones complete her life. It may take probably an earth-shaking phenomenon before she will be able to change into a more sophisticated and highly convivial personality.

However, although she considers herself as a simple person, she does not turn her back at stiff competition. She considers herself evolving from a life of hard knocks. She therefore considers this contest as part of the nitty-gritty and challenging part of life. Despite of the overpowering credentials of the candidates who are “rampadoras, beauconistas and fashionistas,” she is not afraid to stand tall beside them because she believes this is totally a new contest and that they all start from scratch again and they will be evaluated again in another’s point of view by a new set of judges. She once had proven that she can win sterlingly just as she won in the Jewel of Luna, then she can prove to everyone again that she has the capabilities to be crowned a winner again.

This simple lady would be very a grateful person if she was given the chance to win in the pageant and be a role model to every young citizen not only of La Union but also in the country. We wish her luck and good fortune in her quest to be the next Mutia ti La Union 2013. Kudos!


Bacnotan, Burgos, San Gabriel, Santol and Sudipen
by Jetset Alejandro

BACNOTAN’s candidate is Rolyne Mae Pajarillo, a 21-year old Technological Education enthusiast at the Don Mariano Marcos State University. As geared from their school website, she is a very active student and is involved in a lot of student activities, be it academics or extra-curricular activities. Rolyne was a runner-up of Miss Bacnotan 2011 who represented their town in the Miss La Union 2012 beauty pageant. Since their town did not hold a pageant for the year 2012, by virtue of being next in line, she was appointed to represent her town in this year’s 2013 edition of the Mutia ti La Union.  Will this be the break for Bacnotan to be in the limelight? Let us hope and see how Miss Bacnotan perform in the final pageant for the Mutia. 

BURGOS’ candidate is Blessie Joy Abellada. She is a 20-year old student at the Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University. She possesses a very charming face and with a very radiant smile. Blessie is also an active student in school and that she part of her school’s cultural unit. They get to perform dances in different occasions and sometimes, it takes her to different parts of the region to be part of the cultural presentation of their school in competitions.

SAN GABRIEL’S representative is Olivia Kaye Bang-oa. Olivia who is turning 22 is a Nursing graduate who hopes to be part of our nursing force abroad  She is tall by any Filipina standard and with her height and intelligence is said to a be cinch for the 10 semi-final slots in this year’s Mutia. She has become one of the favorites but Bea as her friends call her downplays her chances as she feels everyone is up to their toes and that every contestant is showing a competitive spirit and form for the contest. She however, says she will do all her best to live up to everyone’s expectations. 

SANTOL’S delegate to this year’s Mutia is Ferbee Ramirez. Ferbee may not be the initial representative of Santol to the pageant but Santol’s winner Glenna Ray Ann Shermyn is not able to participate because of her hectic schedule that conflicts with the schedule of the contest. Ferbee was then appointed to represent the town as she was next in rank in last year’s Mutya ng Santol. But one cannot just discount how formidable Ferbee can be. She was extraordinary in her other pageant stints. But she is not just a beauty! She is also intelligent and bright. She graduated valedictorian in high school and is a dean’s lister at the Saint Louis College in Carlatan, San Fernando City. Will Ferbee outperform Santol’s representative last year who was second in rank in the finals? 

SUDIPEN’s JENNIFER LEAL is a candidate on a comeback trail. Jennifer was designated by their town to be their representative in 2011. She however, joined the pageant of Miss Sudipen 2012 and she handily won the title and thus will represent her town again this March 2, 2013. Will Jennifer be successful this time? Well, with her beautiful face, experience and a competitive spirit, it will not be a surprise to see her making the Top 10. 

Friday, February 1, 2013


By: Joanna C. Guerrero, PITO-LU

As part of the celebration of the Province of La Union’s 163rd Foundation Anniversary with the theme “Panagkaykaysa, Urnos ken Talna, Mangtaginayon iti Progreso ti Amin” (“Unity, Peace and Order Sustain Progress for All”) on March 2, 2013, the 19 municipalities and 1 city of the province of La Union sent their respective representatives for the Search for Mutia ti La Union 2013, during the first coordination meeting at the La Union Provincial Capitol, City of San Fernando, La Union on January 25, 2013.

The Chairman of the 163 rd Foundation Anniversary Steering Committee, Mr. Mario Eduardo C. Ortega headed the Mutya ti La Union Committee in assessing each candidate’s commitment in this undertaking.

All the 20 candidates were endorsed by their mayors, most of whom are title-holders in their municipalities. They are Kimberle Mae Penchon of Agoo, Justin Kaye Picardal of Aringay, Rolyne Mae Pajarillo of Bacnotan, Analyn J. Jose of Bagulin, Beverly Ann Moster of Balaoan, Evelyn R. Sibayan of Bangar, Mabel Joy Verceles of Bauang, Blessie Joy C. Abellada of Burgos, Shiela Marie Ramos of Caba, Michell R. De Guzman of Luna, Rexhelle N. PeƱalosa of Naguilian, Ella Marie B. Calpito of Pugo, Christine Joy F. Picardal of Rosario, Kashmir Marjorie S. Hernaez of the City of San Fernando, Olivia Kaye Bang-oa of San Gabriel, Krystel Paolyn B. Mengote of San Juan, Ferbee Ramirez of Santol, Erica B. Firme of Sto. Tomas, Jennifer Leal of Sudipen and Joy Marie T. Perez of Tubao.

For them to qualify in this prestigious pageant, the ladies must meet at least one out of the four qualifications that will prove their association witn the province. They should either be born in the province of La Union, a permanent resident of the municipality or the province, a temporary resident of the municipality or province as a student or employee or either of their parents is born in La Union or permanently resides in La Union. The candidates should also be 15-21 years old, single and must not be a major title holder of any beauty pageant in the national, regional or provincial wide competitions.

The ladies will undergo series of rehearsals, photoshoots, courtesy calls, personality building programs and other activities in the next days. The Search and Coronation of Mutia ti La Union 2013 will be on March 2, 2013 at San Fernando City Plaza.