Tuesday, January 29, 2013


“My mother is my biggest role model it is because being a single parent was not really easy and raising us - her daughters in a brood of 3 was definitely a tough responsibility. And surpassing all the trials that we had in years made me realize that my mom was really one of a kind and by that i wanted to be just like her someday when i'll be having my own family.”

San Gabriel’s Representative Olivia Kaye Bang-oa, to the “Mutia ti La Union 2013” beauty pageant looks like a Latina. She is even said by some to be a dead-ringer of a former Miss Universe Zuleyka Rivera. This young lady is creating so much buzz not only because of her immense height but also her endearing beauty and acumen.  I took a peep of her posted application form for the contest and it says that she is a Nursing graduate at the La Union College of Nursing Arts and Sciences (LUCNAS) with Latin Honors (Cum Laude). She seemed poise to be the front-runner in this years’ pageant.

This young lady is HOT. Honest, Optimistic and Trustworthy. She believes that one must have integrity and probity. In essence to be such one must approach it with sincerity and candor.  She is also optimistic. She says that despite the difficulties that we meet in our everyday life, we should always be hopeful and confident of the future. There is always a solution to a problem and therefore we must not lose hope. And lastly, she said is trustworthy. A secret will always be kept as a secret by her. She is always a reliable person.

When asked if she is given the chance to change a part of history, she said that she will choose nothing because our nation would not be as strong and as determined as what we are today without those problems that we have encountered. And based on her belief, God will not make anything happen without a very good outcome.  


  1. Bea is a beautiful person inside and out. She is a good friend, ready to listen and a real person. She's an epitome of strength and character.

  2. Inside and out? asus yaban kaya niya!
